Chiropractic Testimonials

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Jason Guzniczak Testimonial"I’ve had pain in my neck for a couple of years and severe lower back for over 8 years. At one point, my pain was unbearable and rendered me unable to work or perform in sports. I had tried physical therapy, other chiropractors, and numerous home remedies such as stretching, ice, heat, massage, etc. Unfortunately, the results from all my previous treatments can sum up to the grand total of zero progress or relief.

I found Durski Chiropractic by searching the internet. Over the last year and seven months I have received the best, most professional chiropractic care. With adjustments my pain is managed and handled week in and week out. I seldom have flareups and I’m never hindered from doing my favorite activities. I can lift weights, throw a baseball, and work. I am no longer a slave to pain and discomfort."

- Jason G.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Jelena Vulic Testimonial"I have been a member at the Princeton Club for about 3 years now and have always walked past Dr. Durski’s clinic, but finally made the decision to give him a try last year. To be frank, I was very skeptical about going to yet another chiropractor since I had been to 3 others previously and had seen little to no pain relief during my sessions there. However, I was pretty desperate as my symptoms were getting worse and working a seated job on a computer all day long, I knew I had to try something.

First and foremost, I was SO impressed at the level of detail and attention that was given to me during my examination, along with the level of education I was given by Valerie even prior to being examined. Previous chiropractors I have been to, couldn’t even remember how to pronounce my name correctly after multiple weeks/months of visits! Any question that I had, I felt like I got an answer to, including questions I had about the examination itself. Dr. Durski and Valerie spent an ample amount of time with me to ensure I knew why they were doing what they were doing, and what it meant.

Since my first adjustment until now, I have seen improvement in just my overall mood and day to day activities. Previously, it would be a struggle for me to sit and work for an hour at a time, and now I can do it with ease (although I try not to). In addition, through the education given to me, I have been more conscious of the things I put in my body (food, vitamins, etc.). I would absolutely recommend Dr. Durski to anyone that is struggling with pain or just simply wants to be educated on how to live a healthier life."

- Jelena V.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Stephanie Stumbras

"I was one-month post-partum and began having significant lower back pain which was daily and constant. It interfered with walking and lifting my 2-year-old. I also began having dizziness when rotating my neck while caring for my kids. Although I hadn’t sought other professional help, I had tried ibuprofen, stretching, and walking to find relief, but none of the efforts I made on my own had any significant impact.

After 2 weeks of adjustments, my balance issues and dizziness had significantly resolved. I can rock my baby to sleep in a dark room without losing my balance. I did not experience any further pain, and overall felt well despite the transition of becoming a new mom again."

- Stephanie S.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Jake B Fitness

"It was about a year after I graduated high school that I noticed I was experiencing back pain. I had minor scoliosis which in turn was causing problems in my lower back and neck making everyday things I enjoyed harder.  I felt I was too young to have these problems and needed to do something soon. I knew it wasn’t something I’d be able to fix myself. I tried seeing another chiropractor a few times but I did not get the results I was looking for.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Jake B GolfingFor years I have been a member of the Princeton Club. During workouts I would see signs promoting Durski Chiropractic and finally decided to see them on December 15, 2020. They were thorough and nice and wanted to get to the root cause of my pain. Since seeing Dr. Durski for adjustments, I’m doing much better. I had quick improvements that have helped me physically and mentally. It’s great knowing I’m able to do things I enjoy without pain or worrying about hurting myself. I believe it’s because of how chiropractic care has helped my back and hips. My everyday workout is much better now that it’s not as painful to do. My golf game has been coming back to life and vastly improved. Chiropractic care is so much more than just “back pain”.

- Jake B.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Kim Groshek Testimonial

"When I first came to Dr. Durski in March 2023, my allergies were my main concern. Before seeing Dr. Durski, I was taking Claritin and nasal spray every day. Seasonal allergies were all year long for me, with the changes of season being the worst. It was difficult to breathe through my swollen nose and see through my watery eyes when I went to watch my kids play sports. My dad’s allergy symptoms were helped from adjustments with Dr. Durski, and he suggested I try chiropractic. I also have hip discomfort and while talking with Dr. Durski’s chiropractic technician, Valerie about my history I remembered falling down a flight of wooden stairs and that could be the cause of my later hip pain. Before seeing Dr. Durski I could not go a full week of work without having soreness that affected how long I could sit at my desk.

After my first visit I told my family that I was impressed and surprised by all the education that Dr. Durski and his team bring to the treatment plans. This made me feel that he was not only trying to help manage my pain but my whole-body health. Dr. Durski goes into as much or little detail as you would like when he discusses the adjustments that he will be doing for the day. This shows me that he wants me to understand the science rather than just administering the treatment and moving onto the next patient.

Now that I have seen Dr. Durski for a few months I do not need to take my daily allergy medication and have little to no symptoms when most people complain about them. I also seldom have pain in my hip as well as being able to sit at my desk for a full work week. I am training for a full marathon and believe that with the support of Dr. Durski and the stretches that he has taught me I will be able to have a healthy training program and finish feeling strong with little to no pain.

I would recommend Dr. Durski for anyone who is experiencing difficulties with their allergies. I would not have thought of using chiropractic services to help with allergy relief but because of my dad’s referral and support I am able to feel less symptoms and feel better throughout the year."

- Kim G.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Alissa B Testimonial"My first adjustment at Durski Chiropractic was on October 31, 2022. I was experiencing hip pain, severe arthritis in my left ankle, low milk supply (inconsistent), severe fatigue, and trouble sleeping. The fatigue and insomnia I had been experiencing for years and the inconsistent milk supply started after I had my baby in April 2022.

I had tried many different supplements (milk supply), lactation consultant, caffeine, as well as melatonin for fatigue and trouble sleeping. I even had surgery on my ankle. The supplements worked but not well enough to continue, they were also expensive. Unfortunately, the fatigue continued no matter what.

Since chiropractic adjustments I saw an immediate increase in my milk supply. I went from pumping 1-2 ounces in 25 minutes to 4-5 ounces in 10 minutes! I can play with my boys without feeling like death. I’m able to concentrate on things and be “in the moment” more. I can now walk and stand for longer periods of time with little to no ankle pain and hip pain. I do not require as much caffeine. Overall, I feel fantastic, I have so much energy! I truly appreciate the amount of knowledge given to new patients. There is so much I never knew."

- Alissa B.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Kay Belich Testimonial"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in October 2022. I heard about Dr. Durski from a friend of mine that said,

“There’s a chiropractor at the New Berlin Farmer’s Market”.

I had spinal stenosis and after treatments from both medical doctors and chiropractors, underwent a spinal fusion in 2020. My walking became more and more painful. My chiropractor recommended hip replacements, which I had in 2021 and 2022. I assumed that since I could finally walk after the second hip replacement, nothing could be improved after that. However, I wanted to be under a chiropractor’s care for general health. When I saw Dr. Durski at the Farmer’s Market, he said that he could help with my neck and upper back stiffness. I had never been a patient of a Gonstead chiropractor before. I had always seen chiropractor-kinesiologists, originally for severe allergies. My allergies did improve with the other chiropractors, but they were not able to help with the stenosis or fix my hips.

The results that I have experienced with Dr. Durski are a postural improvement (I had been told since in my 20s that I had a forward head, but I was never given a means of fixing it), loss of numbness and tingling in my fingers, loss of many allergic symptoms, including “soy headaches”, and increased mobility. I can now bend forward and backward, bend side to side, stand on 1 foot, jump, and jog. I also sleep better and have more energy during the day.

Dr. Durski and his associates are knowledgeable, professional, and personable."

UPDATE: April 10, 2023
"I’m an amateur cellist. I couldn’t play for the 2 years prior to hip replacement surgery, and afterward, although my hips worked, my arms and fingers were weak. Playing the cello is quite physical since one’s body is wrapped around the instrument. After a few months of chiropractic treatment, I have much more strength, control, and stamina. Thank you, Dr. Durski!"

- Kay B.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Audrey"My mom first took me to see a chiropractor when I was 2 months old because I had torticollis and it helped a lot. After that I got intermittent treatment and the results were good, but I realized I needed more specific care. As I got older, I developed scoliosis and had pain in my neck, back, and hips. The pain was pretty bad and started hurting to do gymnastics. I was not able to sit in school because my back and neck would hurt.

I first came to Durski Chiropractic May 11, 2021, after meeting Valerie at the New Berlin Farmer’s Market. Since seeing Dr. Durski regularly for adjustments I can do everything better. Dr. Durski even gave me stretches and exercises to do at home. Now I can enjoy sports and recreation without pain.

What stood out to me the most about Durski Chiropractic is the friendly atmosphere. Dr. Durski and Valerie took time to make sure I understood the treatment plan and how it would work to help me. I would recommend chiropractic care to others because it really helps me to not have pain any longer. I have even brought friends with me to my appointments."

- Audrey C.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Ashley"I first started coming to Durski Chiropractic in July 2022 after my sister told me about it. For years I’ve had horrible headaches and low back pain/spasms. I played competitive soccer most of my life  and had injuries over time which led to my back pain. I had to give up soccer because of it. Before seeing Dr. Durski, I tried another chiropractor and physical therapy. The relief was short lived, and I still couldn’t get my quality of life back. Within the first month of Gonstead treatments my headaches were gone and my back pain was pretty non-existent. I also have psoriasis and that disappeared- never thought that could happen. I can now run again without back pain. I’m no longer fighting headaches, so I’m not irritable."

- Ashley H.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI DanielI have lived with hip pain, back pain, and knee pain on and off since high school. After a few particularly busy weeks at my job as a City of Milwaukee Firefighter I had lingering lower back pain for several weeks. It was inhibiting my range of motion, movement, and I noticed that I was starting to hunch over as soon as I got up in the morning. I had low energy and it was too painful to exercise regularly. I would have to take breaks from exercise, alternate my stretching routines and if that failed, I would take NSAIDs to help with the pain and inflammation. I felt overall lousy for lack of a better term.

In December 2021, I wanted to support a local business, so I searched on the New Berlin Community Connections Facebook page for Chiropractor recommendations. Many people recommended Durski Chiropractic. More than one person said that Dr. Durski is able to address problems and pain that other chiropractors could not. So, after a few weeks of little to no relief and my job not slowing down at all, I decided to use some FLEX funds from my insurance to try a chiropractor and Durski Chiropractic offered a free consultation and assessment.

The first week or two of getting adjustments 2-3 times a week resulted in some soreness and inflammation to my lower back, but it also provided some relief from the constant pain I had previous to visiting the chiropractor. Dr. Durski also recommended some stretching techniques and supplements to help reduce the inflammation which helped a lot. After a few weeks I noticed the pain fading and soon disappearing from my back, knees, and hips. I noticed my posture and range of motion improved and I now had the energy to return to regular exercise. All this gave me the momentum to continue with Dr. Durski’s treatment plan, 2 times a week for the next 2 months. I even started to notice little improvements in my mood, my attitude, and too many little things to list so I will just say that my overall wellness has drastically improved. You don’t realize how much you’re being affected by pain and inflammation until it’s gone. Compared to the hunched over person I was when I came to Dr. Durski’s office, it’s no small exaggeration to say that I can do everything better. I have noticed improvements at the gym, playing with my toddler, and working on the fireground.

Dr. Durski and his staff are incredibly nice and welcoming. My initial exam was more thorough than any other chiropractic exam that I have ever had in the past. Dr. Durski and his staff really go above and beyond to not only explain the “how” but the “why” of their craft. Another thing I appreciate is the great communication between email and text that lets you talk directly with them and avoid a call. I would absolutely recommend Dr. Durski to others because you don’t realize how much you need it or how many parts of your life it affects until you feel the relief.

- Daniel J.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Andrew A TestimonialI first came to Durski Chiropractic on October 19, 2021. My upper back and shoulders were tight and painful. I was also having problems sleeping. I have been going to chiropractors for several years on and off but since moving back into the area I had not had treatment in some time.

Since starting treatment with Dr. Durski the initial pain I had has gone away and the thing that sticks out the most to me is that my spine has actually had incredible results. In the beginning I had no curve in my neck and minimal in the mid area. Now I have considerable corrections in both areas. Adjustments with Dr. Durski have given me better mobility and less pain especially when doing more physical activity. I really appreciate the time taken to listen to all my concerns and the lengths taken to insure the results. I would absolutely recommend chiropractic care to others.

- Andrew A.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Janis TestimonialI have been a patient of Dr. Durski since July 2, 2021, after meeting him at the New Berlin Farmer’s Market. I explained to him that I’ve been having severe back pain and hip pain since my coworker left a month prior in June. After she left, I had to do 2 jobs instead of one which had me constantly on my feet for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. My pain was so severe that I couldn’t walk or do my job in a timely manner.

Until I met Dr. Durski I really wasn’t doing anything to help make my pain go away, I thought it was arthritis because it runs in my family or because I was just working so hard and wasn’t resting enough. I can say that since seeing Dr. Durski for chiropractic adjustments my pain has gone away in my back and completely went away in my hip. I have improved so much; I can walk normally or in my case walk fast and I have more energy to do household activities, go for long car rides across the state, and I can keep with Holly, my Pomeranian mix.

The thing that stood out upon my first visit was the staff. Amy was very nice and welcoming to me, Valerie was very knowledgeable on what was going on with my body and how Dr. Durski was going to be able to help me. Dr. Durski explained everything on what he was going to do with my spine for the pain to go away and told me what I needed to do to keep it that way. I’m happy to say that I finally got the help that I needed because I can do my job in a timely manner and then some. It’s also fun to hear my back and neck crackle during an adjustment, ha-ha.

- Janis M.

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial"I’ve had chronic back problems since I was 14. I hadn’t had any care the past couple of years, and it progressively got worse after this past spring I decided to do 10 yards of mulch and years’ worth of weeding that had been neglected by the previous owners at my house. When I started limping because of the nerve issue stemming down from my low back to my knee, I knew I had to get serious about taking care of myself and finding a new chiropractor who would take a holistic approach and look at treating the underlying issues and not just the symptoms.

Before coming to see Dr. Durski I had previously tried other chiropractors, acupuncture, physical therapy, and deep tissue massage. My results with those things were generally good, I just need to continue with them and not let it lag for years.

When I first came to see Dr. Durski I was in rough shape. The biggest improvement for me was being able to get past the nerve issues in my leg as well as just general functioning in day-to-day life. I will always have some issues due to genetics and overuse/excessive use with competitive sports. However, with the approach Dr. Durski takes and the varies ways he evaluates the underlying issues, I know I’ll be much better off in the long run. Since starting care with Dr. Durski I’ve been able to start working out again! My migraines have also subsided and I’m able to get through general day to day life activities without pain.

What really stood out the most at Durski Chiropractic is the amount of information they give you. They really want to help educate everyone, so they are aware of what is going on and I thought that was great! Having had care for the past 24 years I knew mostly what was going on with my body and issues, but for someone new to chiropractic care I think it’s so important to help educate as well as get individuals to commit to getting care and healing. I would absolutely recommend chiropractic care to others. Anything someone complains about a sore back or their neck I immediately start selling chiropractic care."

- Becca Corrao

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in January 2021.

For quite some time I’ve had low back pain and tense shoulders possibly caused from working at a computer or being on my phone all day. I had tried massage therapy and different stretches with little help or resolve. As someone who is focused on taking the best care of my body, I wanted to see if chiropractic care was for me. After meeting Dr. Durski at the Princeton Club I made an appointment.

Thanks to chiropractic care with Dr. Durski my range of motion has greatly increased, and my pain levels have decreased. I feel my workouts are getting better and the pillow for my neck support has been a Godsend for a great night sleep. What stood out the most to me at Durski Chiropractic is that I felt at home. Everyone does a great job explaining things, so you comprehend the why behind it.

Dr. Durski and his staff are wonderful!"

- Melissa Hartmann

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Sarah Knott"I have been a patient at Durski Chiropractic since March 2021 and within the last few months I have had tremendous positive results. I am 20 years old and throughout my life thus far have played various physical contact sports. These sports in the long term gave me pain in my upper and lower back, knees, and feet. The pain in these areas have worsened over time and would hurt while doing schoolwork throughout the day. Along with that, I have slept all my life on bad pillows that brought severe pain to my neck and on some days, I was not able to rotate it to either side. To temporarily solve these issues, I would use pain reliving medication and try different pillows that would leave me with sleepless nights. Eventually, my father brought me to one of his appointments with Dr. Durski and that opened up a new world filled with solutions to my problems, along with ways to continually treat them through time. Ever since, I have been using the workshop exercises Dr. Durski taught us, received orthotics, better lifestyle athletic shoes, and a new pillow that cradles my neck. I have been feeling incredibly healthier and stronger with the treatment and have seen amazing results physically inside and out. It has been nice sharing this journey with my father as we have been comparing results and holding one another accountable with our posture and when to do our exercises daily. Besides my father cheering me on, the incredible staff at Durski Chiropractic have been so kind to me and have told me how impressed they are with my progress. I am thankful for the help I have received and plan on continuing to better myself throughout my life."

- Sarah Knott

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial"I first came to Durski Chiropractic on April 5th, 2021, after my parents told me about Dr. Durski.

I’ve had sciatica since I was about 19; I am now 30. I also dealt with general back pain since I was in high school. While it wasn’t debilitating pain, my symptoms were severe enough where I felt much more physically aged than I should have. It wasn’t until I started seeing Dr. Durski that I discovered the cause of my back problems was mild degeneration and a curve in my spine, leading to subluxations.

Before seeing Dr. Durski I saw a medical doctor for my sciatic pain, a few years after the symptoms arose. I’ve also treated the pain throughout the years with over-the-counter pain relievers. The pain relievers helped but of course were always temporary. The doctor I saw never properly explained why I was feeling pain and left me with more questions than answers. He suggested either physical therapy or an MRI. Not knowing exactly what Needed to be treated, I did not follow up on either option.

Since starting treatment with Dr. Durski my sciatica pain is all but gone. I’ve noticed far fewer tension headaches. My mid back pain has tremendously decreased and no longer locks up after carrying 30lbs. or so at work. Best of all my energy levels are fantastic again! I now feel like I can start exercising again. I can get out of bed each day and not feel twice my age. With increased energy, I’ve been able to fully embrace my social life again."

- Cassidy Meyers

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I first came to Durski Chiropractic after meeting Dr. Durski and Valerie at the Princeton Club in February 2021.

I was experiencing neck pain and stiffness, upper back pain, and numb toes on my left foot. I believe it all stems from a fall down the stairs at junior high in 1978. In October 2019 I was splitting wood when the upper back pain and toe numbness became prominent and thereafter, I had COVID-19 that landed me in bed for 4 weeks. Before coming to Durski Chiropractic I had tried yoga, jogging, exercises for my scoliosis, good eating, and watching my weight. Despite my efforts I always had the pain (low level) and the numbness.

Since starting adjustments, I have found very practical and profound results with Dr. Durski’s treatments as well as encouragement for other health wellness activities and tactics. I have had a stiff neck, sore middle back, and numbness in my left foot for a long time. After 2 months of treatment these aches, pains, and numbness are GONE! Along with adjustments from Dr. Durski I was encouraged to get a pillow to support the curvature of my neck, orthotic inserts for my shoes to reassure my posture, and exercises to stretch and strengthen my back and neck while at home.

Adjustments with Dr. Durski have had a profound positive impact on my life. I have been released from traumas in my neck and low back that began because of a fall downstairs in 1978 and a car accident in 1995. I can recall the exact moments that these happened as Dr. Durski made the adjustments.

Today I feel lighter, more energetic, and have the capability to be fully present for my family and while I’m attending to clients for my business. I did not realize how much these “minor” aches and pains were robbing me of energy and good overall health. I am grateful for Dr. Durski’s professional support and I’m looking forward to many years of good health and a satisfying life."

- Joseph Knott

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I first came to Durski Chiropractic about 4 months ago, October 2020.

My mom is a patient of Dr. Durski’s. She told me about her experience, and I wanted to give it a try.

When I was in 2nd grade, which was about 2 years ago, I was sleep walking and walked right off the side of my top bunk. I fell flat on my back. I was in severe pain for many days.

Before coming to Durski Chiropractic, I went to Badger Health Center for a little while then I switched. I did not go to Badger Health Center often, so I really had no results.

Since starting adjustments with Dr. Durski I have fewer headaches and less back and neck pain. I can run better and do taekwondo without pain."

- Miles Schild

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I first came to Durski Chiropractic on July 31, 2020.

I found Dr. Durski by searching for New Berlin Chiropractors and chose him due to the number and quality of the patient testimonials.

I had been kicked in the back approximately 2 years before my first visit and was in constant pain. I could still function, but often didn’t sleep well and had times when it was nearly impossible to put on my socks and shoes. I never mentioned this to my doctor because I am not a fan of any sort of medication and I certainly didn’t want back surgery. I thought that if I stretched enough, my body would heal itself, and I could fix my back. It didn’t work. A friend of mine mentioned the good results she had from visiting a chiropractor, so I decided to look into it.

When I came to Dr. Durski’s office I listened to an explanation of the process and decided to go through the evaluation and start the treatment process. By my second week of treatment the pain was disappearing, and I was moving much more easily. Although going slow so I don’t damage the work done by the doctor, I am back to lifting weights. Bending, squatting, all my everyday movements are much easier, and I am pain free. Riding my bike is so much more comfortable that it is really a pleasure again. I’m able to chase my grandkids around and I don’t have to “pay” for it later.

Visiting Dr. Durski has been a great experience and I would recommend him to everyone."

“You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality”

- George Gaulke

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in October of 2019 after my wife met Dr. Durski and Valerie at the New Berlin Farmer’s Market.

August 2018, I took a trip out west and ever since I had constant pain in my head with migraines. I was getting these migraines 2-4 times a week and in January 2019 they worsened and necessitated with E.R. visits. I was not sure what was happening to me, so I went to an eye, ear, nose, and throat doctor, then a neurologist. They were not much help. I was prescribed Lyrica, Celecoxib, and Tramadol for pain. They also prescribed me Sumatriptan to help treat the migraines besides the Excedrin I was already taking. I was giving up with the whole thing. I could not do anything outside of getting up and going back to bed in misery.

Since seeing Dr. Durski I now have relief. I have had good results and now I don’t have to take daily drugs.  After 6 months I took a 2-week trip south enjoying sights and people. I’m back to doing everything! I’m able to help my sons on their homes and go out with my wife again.

- Greg Ratkowski

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in February 2018.

For as long as I can remember I have had a lot of tension in my upper back and shoulders. It became a normal state for my body to be in. I had tried rolling and massage to help but everything I tried was only temporary.

I met Dr. Durski over at the Princeton Club one evening after working out. Since seeing Dr. Durski for regular adjustments I carry much less tension in my shoulders and upper back and feel less stressed and more mobile. I can do most day to day things better due to carrying less tension in my body."

- Ingrid Burger

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in April 2018.

I was experiencing low back pain and right hip pain that flared up several months before. My usual stretching, ibuprofen, and heat/ice would give me no relief. It was so bad at times that I could hardly bend, sit, or walk.

Before coming to Durski Chiropractic I had surgery in my low back to try and relieve pain, treatments with an acupuncturist, I did stretching, heat applications, ice, and ibuprofen and nothing helped. Dr. Durski’s adjustments were the only thing to relieve my pain.

I found Dr. Durski at the Princeton Club one evening after working out. After some adjustments I noticed my range of motion and balance improved. As for my pain, it’s gone or when it does flare, it’s more manageable and resolves more quickly. Overall, I feel better. My body functions better physically so I can exercise more enjoyably, and my hip does not bother me as it had previously."

- Shannon O'Halloran-Proell

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"My parents first took me to see Dr. Durski in April 2018 when I was 14 months old. I had an ear infection and was having trouble walking straight without falling over. I was pulling on my ear a lot and didn’t have a lot of energy.

After the first adjustment I was able to walk without falling over and after 2 more adjustments I was even better than before! When we got home from the first adjustment I ran around outside and played like nothing was wrong. I am 2 ½ years old now and have been going monthly ever since and feel so much better after my adjustments."

- Natalia Messineo, Reported by her mother Ivy

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in July 2019.

For almost a year I had headaches, dizziness, and ear irritation which were getting progressively worse. My headaches were happening 3-4 times per week. I had gone to my family doctor and eventually urgent care without much success. I did see a physical therapist and her treatments were helpful but did not solve the problem.

I talked to Dr. Durski and Valerie at the New Berlin Farmer’s Market and decided to give chiropractic care a try. Before seeing Dr. Durski I didn’t know how restricted my neck movement was. With adjustments I have had great results, I can now easily look side to side, and I have had one headache since coming and my dizziness has gone away."

- Sandy Kulakowski

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I started seeing Dr. Durski August 2019.

I had neck stiffness, hip and lower back pain, and generally reduced movement. I first started noticing the problems at least two or three years ago, I simply experienced a slow gradual deterioration over the years, I’m closer to 60 than 50. The pain was uncomfortable but not debilitating. I could still function by compensating for reduced movement.

While this is a generalization, guys have a habit of simply pushing through pain and physical restrictions without drugs or seeing doctors. I have always exercised and stretched, and that is what I continued to do to reduce the symptoms without resorting to any other treatments. I was probably better off than I would have been if I didn’t exercise and stretch, but I was still having these problems.

I found out about Durski Chiropractic through my wife who was already seeing Dr. Durski because she was referred by a friend, and I attended the new patient workshop and was introduced to the idea of chiropractic healthcare.

Since regular adjustments with Dr. Durski I no longer have neck stiffness, my hip pain is significantly reduced, and I have increased movement.

To give examples:

Neck: My initial neck rotation was 70 degrees left and right, and now it is 80 degrees left/75 right; my ability to bend my chin towards my chest (flexion) was initially 50 degrees and is now 65 degrees; my ability to tilt my neck back (extension) was 45 degrees and is now 70 degrees, tilting my head to the side (lateral flex) was 20 degrees left/25 right and is now 30 degrees left/40 right.

Lumbar: While I have always worked to be flexible, my spine was not making the best movements. Forward bending (flexion) was initially 30 and is now 50, bending backwards (extension) was 15 and is now 25, and left and right rotation were 20 left/25 right and are now 35 for both.

Blood pressure change: I have always had “within norm” standard blood pressure that is taken during routine physical examinations, but was never tested for the change in Supine/Sitting/Standing blood pressure (Ragland’s test) which tests adrenal health (the adrenal glands regulate blood sugar, burn protein and fat, react to illness and injury, and regulate blood pressure). I have improved from sub-normal to normal.

I generally feel and move better. I only have very brief periods of very minor hip pain and I can do some of my stretches easily now, when I previously struggled to meet those goals."

- Kevin Weidner

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I have been seeing Dr. Durski since February 2016.

I have had back pain since I was 12 years old, and the older I got, the worse it got. I started getting headaches weekly, then a few migraines. I was tired all the time, and it was hard to do some things and enjoy the things I could do.

Before coming to Durski Chiropractic I saw my family doctor, physical therapists, and another chiropractor. I tried massages, icing, heat, stretches, a back support brace, and was taking Tylenol/Advil multiple times a day. No one could give me a straight answer. I was told I may have loose joints or a slight curvature in my spine, but nothing definite.

I met Dr. Durski at the Princeton Club, and he has been a lifesaver! I don’t get migraines anymore, and daily activities no longer fill me with dread. During my pregnancy I experienced a lot of back pain, sciatica, acid reflux, and morning sickness. I continued to get adjusted until I was 37 weeks along; it was the only thing that gave me any relief. Dr. Durski was the first person to discover my genetic scoliosis and give me actual relief, and he explained everything so nicely."

- Ivy Messineo

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in October of 2017. When I first went to Dr. Durski I just wanted to know what was wrong with my back, and how I can fix it. I was experiencing low back pain for several months and it would be worse when I played sports. Not sure what caused it, but it was there everyday. With me trying to fight the pain for more than a week or two, I decided to take action. I didn’t know what had caused it, all I wanted was it to be gone.

Before Dr. Durski, I tried ice, ointments, and other methods, and nothing was working. I was told from my parents that there was a chiropractor at our local gym; we decided to try it out. With regular treatments for the last 3 months I have no pain after playing tennis and I play daily at least 3 hours or more.

Now because of my treatment with Dr. Durski and the orthotic shoe inserts I can perform much better in my daily activities and in the sports that I enjoy playing."

- Elijah Vento

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I first came to Durski Chiropractic November 2019.

My internal organs were not working 100%. I had fatigue, and poor posture. I have had all this most of my life. My range of motion in my neck and shoulders had declined. Some of these issues may have come about from years of playing hockey.

I tried physical therapy, different doctors, drugs, and even surgery on my knees. My problem was that I was only treating the symptoms, never the cause. I wanted to make some changes in my life, so I became a Princeton Club member. Not long after joining the Club I received a call from Dr. Durski.

Since starting care with Dr. Durski I have cut my medication for IBS to only one dose a day (I was at two doses daily). I was also able to completely remove another medication from my system; all from chiropractic adjustments and with the approval of my M.D.   My overall range of motion has improved greatly. When I drive, I can look left and right by simply turning my head, before I would have to turn my whole body. My sleep has improved greatly, and I have more energy."

- Michael Cope

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic Center"I first came into the office in February of 2020.

I was having neck and upper back pain near my spine. I noticed having stress in these areas around late January to early February. I have only had it for about two weeks before I began chiropractic treatment. The pain at the time made it difficult to sleep. Most nights before treatment consisted of me waking up on occasions to tightness and stress around my neck. It eventually carried over to work as well. My profession was in the IT field so most of my day to day consisted of sitting behind a desk looking at computer screens. I was unable to sit comfortably as there were a lot of pressure digging into my upper back and going into my neck. I can say it was tolerable, but I felt miserable five times a week.

During those two weeks of experiencing pain and stress, I tried taking pain relieving medication such as Advil and Tylenol. I have also tried stretching my back and spine to see if that would help as well but the pain usually comes back within minutes. Honestly, I thought that it was just something temporary that would eventually go away on its own if I just had some rest.

How I got started with Chiropractic work was just on a whim. I usually go to the Princeton Club and noticed that there was a chiropractic office next to the gym. I got curious on how chiropractic work could help me, so I sent an email and eventually got myself scheduled for an appointment.

After seeing Dr. Durski and having him treat me was simply amazing. Valerie and Amy who are the staff at Durski Chiropractic were wonderful as well. They all make you feel welcomed and help you get setup throughout the process while you are there for treatment. They teach you a lot about the benefits of doing Chiropractic treatments and how different it is compared to other treatments you might have considered. After going through some paperwork and planning, I decided on doing three treatments a week to help me get back to normal.

Within a month, I can say that there were more improvements to my conditions than I originally came to see Dr. Durski for. I have seen better results with pain, stress, posture, skin sensitivity, strength, balance, bodily functions and more. I can say that I do not have much trouble sleeping any longer due to any pain nor do I have trouble sitting at work eight hours a day.

How I was able to achieve this in such a short amount of time was being consistent and taking care of myself outside of just chiropractic work. It was important for me to improve as soon as possible, so I would recommend everyone who opts in for chiropractic work to go in at least three times a week to start. Doing that and taking care of yourself with recommendations from Dr. Durski will help your body get to where you want it to be in the most efficient way possible."

- Brian Herr

Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic

"I first came to Durski Chiropractic November 2019 after searching for Gonstead chiropractors.

I was experiencing low back pain and discomfort for the last 2.5 years. As an electrician I am required to do excessive lifting that may have caused me to torque my back. Something else I had been living with since I was 13 years old were headaches. I would get these headaches 1-2 times a week and they would last at least 1 hour. To try and ease my pain I had tried ibuprofen, Aleve, and hot/cold packs. My results were very temporary to no relief at all.

Since seeing Dr. Durski for regular care my overall pain is extremely low, and I have much better range of motion and movement in my body. I can’t remember the last time I had a headache! I used to come home from work and take 2-3-hour naps. Now I take less frequent naps and they only last 15 minutes. I can now play basketball, softball, and golf with the guys without pain. I really enjoy working on cars and now I can bend without pain."

- Michael Kaifesh

Patient Testimonial at Durski Chiropractic"I came to Durski Chiropractic in the beginning of May 2020.

I did a walk in because I had noticed a bit of imbalance when I would do certain exercises. I also had frequent neck, shoulder pains, and lower back pain as well. Not sure when it all began. I started noticing my limitations the last few years in my “Healthy Living” journey. I'm sure there were many things that may have contributed to my condition over the years, i.e. car accidents, helping people move, sports, and other adventures that may not have been the healthiest.

Durski Chiropractic was the first and only place I have been to for my condition.

The first time I came I was a little apprehensive - October 2018, so I waited another year before I allowed any other work to be done. I must say I am glad I came back.

I can now work out a lot longer and one of my biggest challenges was being able to run distance without pain in the back and hip area. Now I can run 45 minutes straight without pain!

I am happy with the treatment I have received. Thanks Dr. Durski and Staff!"

- Christian Seamster

Matt Siahaan"I first came to Durski Chiropractic August 2019. I had severe back pain from a fall which happened last winter. I could barely walk or complete tasks at work. The pain I felt was constant. I was unable to do anything except lay on the floor outside of work shifts for 6 months straight, living in “hell” status, unable to dress or tie my shoes.

Previous things that I tried to treat my back pain was hot/cold contrast showers, yoga back stretches, dead hangs on the pullup bar, lifting weights, and I changed my diet. None of these things seemed to work for more than a couple days at a time and in some cases, it made it worse.

I found Dr. Durski by searching the Gonstead website doctor finder after watching Gonstead doctors on YouTube.

Since having regular adjustments my back is almost completely better. Nagging elbow, neck, and rib injuries from sports training and MMA fighting have cleared up.

Overall, my quality of life is much better, I’m even able to concentrate while reading for long periods of time."

- Matthew Siahaan

Richie Feil"I first came to Durski Chiropractic January 2012.

I’ve had low back pain for many years. Being a semi driving and lifting heavy cases of paper caused me to develop a herniated disc. My M.D. gave me two cortisone shots that took the swelling down. With chiropractic and yoga exercise things got better. I’m 58 years old and have a 90% recovery. I have permanent never damage.

I heard about Dr. Durski through my previous chiropractor. I like the precision adjustments I get from Dr. Durski. I also like the suggestions and answers I get as well because it works. I still drive a semi, but I now don’t lift heavy objects, or lift them incorrectly."

- Richie Feil

Rebecca Simandl"I first came to Durski Chiropractic February 2019. In March 2018 I had a phone conversation with a friend who recently had a baby. I asked her what the worst part of her pregnancy was, to which she replied her sciatica. I had no idea what it was. A week later I had my first sciatic nerve pain shooting down my leg. I have always been super active; working out almost daily, running, walking, and I just participated in the stair climb downtown Milwaukee ... my sciatica came out of nowhere. And it increased with frequency and intensity. So much so that I was on the phone sobbing, in pain trying to get in with my doctor to figure out what was wrong with me but had to wait another week for my appointment. It was debilitating. Everything seemed to trigger it: sitting, standing, driving, riding in the car, squatting, cutting vegetables at the counter - there was no rhyme or reason to what triggered it.

Before coming to see Dr. Durski my M.D. prescribed me a muscle relaxant and Physical Therapy. I went to PT for two months and had minimal improvement, so I went on my own research path. I tried  traditional chiropractic care a couple of times, with no relief. Then turned to acupuncture for months which seemed to help; my sessions were coupled with electro stimulation and massage. I tried a dry needling session and then even deep tissue massage, which only seemed to make it worse. My sciatica never went away, but it became a little more manageable. I still had bad days where it was nothing but those "zingers". I was dealing with some hip pain on that same side as well but chalked it up to my "shortened leg and piriformis syndrome" that my previous chiropractor had diagnosed me as having. At this point 9 months had gone by, I still was unable to work out, even walks triggered my sciatica. I stopped all efforts because it all seemed like money wasted, I still hadn't resolved the issue.

I continued my search (aka turning to Google every single day) and came across the Gonstead method. I saw some videos and thought, this HAS to help. I again Googled and found Dr. Durski was in my area so scheduled my first visit. A whole year had gone by with my sciatic pain and hip pain, so naturally I was skeptical. On top of that I was pregnant and couldn't have X-rays done. After my first adjustment my sciatica ceased. After a couple more visits my hip pain was gone too. I could now move my body and be a little more active after every visit and not be in pain - it was wonderful!

I was so disappointed it took me a year to finally find Dr. Durski, but I am so happy I did find him when I did because I've been able to be active during my pregnancy. I can now go for walks, do my at-home workouts, drive, chop vegetables - I can do everything I couldn't do for the past year! As for running? The jury is still out on that one, I'll find out after baby arrives and I work up to that again. But I'm confident that won't be a problem!"

- Rebecca Simandl

Nathaniel Giannini"I first came to Durski Chiropractic March 2019 after doing a Google search specifically for a Gonstead Chiropractor. Neck tightness was my major complaint. I have had it on and off since at least 2010. I don’t know what caused it, possibly got progressively worse from various life forces. My neck tightness was so severe that I couldn’t turn my head to one side or the other and the tightness and pain would switch from the right and left side of my neck. Before coming to see Dr. Durski I had a regular Palmer chiropractor that did monthly adjustments that provided little relief in the long run. At home I tried hot and cold compressions as well as using a hot tub/jacuzzi but was met with only short-term relief especially if I slept wrong the tightness and pain would be back for days.

I first found out about Gonstead while watching Dr. Rahim on YouTube who is a Gonstead Chiropractor. Being intrigued I did a google search and Dr. Durski was the closest Gonstead Chiropractor to me.

My results speak for themselves. I don’t have neck tightness like I used to, I feel less pain overall, and feel insanely better. I would recommend Gonstead Chiropractic care for everyone because it really fixes what is wrong. I happy to say I’m living life without pain."

- Nathaniel Giannini

Daniel Kurth"I first came to Durski Chiropractic early February 2019 after meeting Dr. Durski while he was doing a screening at the Princeton Club.

When I first came to see Dr. Durski I did not have any particular condition or physical ailments. I came in because I was interested in my body being able to operate at its highest level possible. In the past I seen another chiropractor and received “maintenance” care but decided to stop going because I didn’t think I needed it anymore.

Since I started seeing Dr. Durski I have learned how chiropractic care can change your entire body, not just your back. Chiropractic care from Dr. Durski has helped me with everyday life. It has help resolve minor fatigue, digestive problems, range of motion problems in my neck and back, and even how I walk. I really feel that Dr. Durski wants to see his patients get better as well as having vested interest in their future well being.

I have always been an active and physical person, so I have had my share of injuries. I have seen a different chiropractor, multiple physical therapists, and a specialist doctor for these injuries. I feel the difference between them and Dr. Durski is that the root of the problem is being treated and not just my symptoms. While I did have positive results from other places, they were only temporary.

I have experienced amazing results at Durski Chiropractic. Everyday life has been made easier because of the progress I made here in the office. My weightlifting and running have seen marked improvement, as well as my energy levels. I have also noticed that I have been sleeping a lot better as well."

- Daniel Kurth

Glenn Stachowiak"I have been seeing Dr. Durski since December of 2018. Prior to my treatments, I felt like I was falling apart.  I would get headaches anywhere from 3-4 times a week, I was always tired from restless sleep, had lower back and neck pains, and walked funny because of hip issues.  My biggest concern, however, was my carpal tunnel like symptoms.  I had burning pain, numbness and tingling that traveled from both of my shoulders, all the way down to my thumbs, pointer, and middle fingers.  While working on cars, I would often drop wrenches or even need to stop and shake some feeling back into my hands.  These issues probably stemmed from a combination of playing football years ago in high school and the kind of work I have done over the years.  I finally decided something needed to change.

I knew if I went to a general doctor they would more than likely just give me some prescription to treat the symptoms, or recommend some sort of surgery.  Both of which I am not in favor of, so I had to find an alternative route which lead me to chiropractic care.  I studied chiropractic care for about 2 months before seeking an actual chiropractor.  Upon my studies, I found the Gonstead Technique and was blown away by results of it.  I’ve read dozens and dozens of testimonials and watched countless hours of videos on YouTube. I went to the Gonstead Seminar website, searched for local practitioners, and chose Dr.

Durski because of his years of experience and impressive credentials.

After the very first adjustment, the first thing I noticed was I slept great that night.  The next day I woke up feeling refreshed and had a lot of energy throughout the entire day.  After the first 3 or 4 adjustments I noticed most of my symptoms were subsiding.  It’s been 4 months since my first adjustment to the time I wrote this testimony.  Since my first adjustment I’ve had 3, maybe 4 headaches, my neck and back pain is gone, my posture has improved, I’m walking better, sleeping great, and my carpal tunnel-like symptoms have decreased dramatically.

Dr. Durski and his staff are absolutely amazing.  They are always warm and inviting, and they care about your overall health and well-being.  Besides getting adjusted, my favorite thing is they want to make sure they teach you about how the human body works and how chiropractic care works. Then they get specific about your personal symptoms and how the treatments will work for you.  When you leave the office, you not only feel great physically, but mentally too because you have a better understanding about your care."

- Glenn Stachowiak

Tim Samorajski"I first came to Durski Chiropractic March 2014 after meeting Dr. Durski at the Princeton Club.

In 2000 I started experiencing lower back pain. My pain was so severe I could barely get out of bed. The pain seemed to come out of nowhere but I’m sure as a result from a lifetime of wear and tear.

Before coming to see Dr. Durski I relied on pain killers such as opioids and over the counter drugs to manage my pain, as well as some physical therapy. My results were short term relief, just putting a band aid solution to the problem.

Since starting and continuing treatment with Dr. Durski I’ve felt and overall reduction in pain. I have significantly reduced my reliance on pain drugs, I have greater ability to perform physical tasks such as lawn mowing and gardening. Overall I have more mobility and manual dexterity."

- Tim Samorajski

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Testimonial"I first came to see Dr. Durski in May of 2017.

My condition was whiplash from a roller coaster ride in April of 2017. Previously I had tried muscle relaxers and stretches that would give me temporary relief but the pain persisted.

I first met Dr. Durski and Valerie at the Princeton Club.

In less than 2 months of seeing Dr. Durski, I am feeling so much better. My results have been great! Treatment has taken away neck pain and the other aches and pains."

- Angela Popp

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Testimonial"I first came to Durski Chiropractic early June 2017.

I was suffering from chronic fatigue and lack of a good night’s sleep. I noticed is becoming more and more of a problem after college. Any given day in a work week would often wipe me out, resulting in napping a few times a week to play catch up from the night before.

I would attribute it to bad habits of poor posture with working at a computer all day. Often called “tech neck” where there’s no curve in the neck.

Before coming to Durski Chiropractic I tried improving my diet (more fruits and vegetables) and continued exercising (even running 2 marathons!) but noticed not much improvement in my energy. I even tried consistent times of going to bed/ waking up but would still wake up multiple times during the night. The results were I would still feel drained by the end of the week.

I heard about Durski Chiropractic when I was working out at the Princeton Club, I stopped by for the 1 minute stress test/trigger point treatment Chiropractic adjustments have greatly improved my energy level. After my very first adjustment, I noticed a “flow of energy” moving up and down my body within 1-2 days. I asked myself, “was THIS what I was missing the whole time?!” My sleep has been more sound, too!

The past week, I have been waking up at 5am (!) to get a ‘jumpstart’ on my day. I could not have done this a few months ago, I would’ve been too exhausted from a bad night’s sleep. I still nap a little, but now it’s by choice, not by decision!"

- Alex Palzewicz

Chiropractic New Berlin WI Testimonial"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in May of 2016.

My condition was lower back pain, right ankle and knee pain, neck stiffness, and difficulty sleeping due to injuries suffered during a 26-year military career. I have a V.A. disability rating of 50% for these injuries.

Previously I had tried other chiropractors, took off the shelf pain meds, and tried various exercises. My results would end up being limited relief for brief periods, frequent periods of limping and poor sleep.

I was referred to Dr. Durski by my son, Sean McCormack.

Chiropractic adjustments with Dr. Durski have improved my symptoms by 90%. I can get much better sleep, walk longer distances, and much less pain and headaches. I now use little to no pain meds and get lower blood pressure readings.

Walking, sleeping, and flexibility are all much better. Energy level is higher because of pain relief. Overall health improved!

'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him'. "

- G. K. Chesterton.

"I became a patient of Dr. Durski in June of 2007 when the pain in my upper back became persistent. For ten years I thought the stiffness and tension was a result of hunching over my desk while studying at college. I had always wanted to go to a chiropractor, but thought the pain was not severe enough. When I was working out at the Princeton Club I was offered a free screening and consultation by Dr. Durski. As a result of Dr. Durski’s treatment my back feels so much better. I have more energy and experience fewer headaches and fatigue. The orthotics, he ordered, have helped put the spring back into my step and my posture has tremendously improved."

- Emily

"I first came to Durski Chiropractic on September 15, 2009 – It was either try this or need pain medication.

I was experiencing chronic lower back pain, aches in the hips, neck pain, spinal discomfort, and knee pain. These all began about 10 years ago as a result of standing 8 – 10 hours daily, flay feet, and carrying heavy people up and down stairs as an EMT in Milwaukee for 14 years. The pain was sharp at times and dull all of the time.

No other treatment was sought prior to Dr Durski.

I took advantage of a free assessment being preformed by Dr. Durski at Bally’s in Brookfield.

I currently have no neck discomfort, no spinal pain with the exception of the lower spine, no sharp pains / occasional dull pains and minor knee pains. My chronic cough (bronchitis) lasted 1 month instead of the usual 3 months."

- Craig

"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in August 09, 2009. I was experiencing severe neck and back pain, fatigue, irritability, weight gain, bad posture at work and difficulty sleeping through the night. These symptoms began to develop approximately twenty (20) years ago as a result of a car accident and intensified after a sledding accident ten (10) years ago.

I have seen five (5) different chiropractors within the past ten (10) years with minimal pain relief and no lasting improvement. The treatment provided by Dr. Durski has provided me significant pain relief, increased my energy levels , reduced my irritability , improved my sleeping , and supported my weight loss of ten ( 10 ) pounds. Overall I can function again thanks to Dr. Durski."

- Karin

"I am a 38 year old female that first came to Durski Chiropractic in January of 2011. I had been experiencing daily tension headaches, shoulder/neck pain, and periodic low back pain. My joints and muscles were so sore that it was challenging to sleep and to get moving in the morning. It was difficult for me to exercise,because every time I started an exercise regimen, I would injure myself. My immune system was compromised and i was getting sick on a frequent basis.

In the past, I had tried many different treatment options including going to a diffrent chiropractor, Physical therapy, and had also seen several orthopedic specialists. Along with stretching exercises, I was prescribed pain medication and muscle relaxants each time “my back went out”, which happened about every 1-2 years. I also had cortisone shots to help alleviate the pain. Shortly before coming to Durski Chiropractic, I was taking Ibuprofen on an almost daily basis.

The results since being treated at Durski Chiropractic have been an absolute blessing. The education alone is more that any other doctor or physical therapist I had seen in the past could ever explain to be about my symptoms. I rarely, if ever, take medication other then vitamins and supplements. My sleep is sound and I feel well rested when I wake, My headaches are few and far between, my posture has inproved, I have lsot weight, I haven’t been sick, and most impotantly my energy levels are soaring. I feel better than I have in years and honestly feel I have been given a new lease on life.

I know I have to put time aand effort to continue on this corrective treatment plan, but ultimately I know it is well worth it. A sincere thank you to Dr. Jeff Durski and his entire staff for the superior care I have received from the very first appointment."

 - Anonymous

"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in September 2011.

I was experiencing back and neck pain. I was really having troubles with my lower back. I have been having these problems since 2002. My pain really started when i had a Herniated disk.

I have tried other ways to alleviate my pain. The latest attempt was Dr. Drahwall and his Plank Road clinic. I have also tried to stop the pain on my own but I still had pain.

I was referred to Dr. Jeff Durski by my wife who has experienced great results under his care. The treatment that was provided by Dr. Durski has left me with less overall pain and fatigue. I have also experienced better sleeping patterns and wake up rested. The stiffness in my back is still there but I’m sure that with continued treatment I will get my flexibility back.

Since being treated by Dr. Durski I can now ride in the car longer then I have before without extreme stiffness in my back. When I wake up in the morning I’m relieved that I can easily get out of bed in the morning. Thank you Durski Chiropractic for all your help."

 - Anonymous

"I first came to Durski Chiropractic on February 15th.

I have had lower back pain on and off for many years. I herniated a disc just after delivering my son in February of 2012. I had surgery to remove the herniated portion of the disc in March, 2012. That surgery helped to relieve the severe pain, but I never felt well, even after physical therapy and appropriate stretching and exercise.

I was treated first by a chiropractor, a massage therapist, an orthopedic surgeon, and finally by a physical therapist. The results were all poor until I had surgery, which relieved the horrible, constant pain; still, pain persisted along with stiffness and reduced range of motion.

I was referred into Dr. Durski’s office by my mom, Mary Carney. The treatment I have received has provided very good results. I am generally pain free and have much improved range of motion. I would be crippled without chiropractic treatment."

– Amanda Morrill

"I decided to give chiropractic care a try when I started having low back pain in early May. I noticed the pain start after a trip to the gym for a workout. I hadn’t been to the gym consistently in over 6 weeks due to a surgery. The day following my workout I noticed my lower back was very sore, and it only seemed to get progressively worse as the days went on, at times to the point where I wouldn’t able to carry my son very long and had pain shooting down my right leg.

Growing up from grade school through high school, I was very involved In sports and had several sports related injuries that required medical attention and physical therapy at times. Despite prior injuries, this is the first time that I have ever sought chiropractic care as a treatment option. I figured I didn’t really have anything to lose, but have been astounded by all that I have gained since starting my chiropractic rare.

The results that I that have had from doctors and physical therapists helped alleviate the symptoms but perhaps not always the underlying condition.

I found out about Durski Chiropractic when I was leaving the Princeton Club after my daughters swim lesson. I stopped to chat with Dr. Durski about my low back pain symptoms and receive a free 1 minute trigger point evaluation.

In less than two months of seeing Dr. Durski, I am feeling so much better! I have been pleasantly surprised as admittedly, I was somewhat skeptical of chiropractic care initially. My low back pain has subsided; my ittitability and fatigue have also greatly improved. I never realized how tired I truly was everyday until this past week. I do not get that sluggish/completely drained feeling in the afternoon anymore. I have much more energy to keep up with the kids and every day activities. Chiropractic care has definitely been a blessing in my life, and I really like I am on a path to 100% health and wellness."

– Megyn Baer

"I was experiencing years of chronic shoulder, back and neck pain, along with fatigue and sinus problems. These symptoms began to develop years ago, as a result of my time as a machine gunner in the Marine Corps. I have tried physical therapy as I was in the process of being discharged from the military. I met Dr. Durski at Vitamin Shoppe one Sunday and set up an exam that day. I started seeing Dr. Durski in the beginning of June. Since then I’m feeling less and less pain as the weeks go by. My sleep issues have gone down dramatically. Any cold, sinus, and allergy problems that I get are less severe and pass through quicker. My job during the week is very physically demanding and I’m able to get through the week with having less soreness. I can also do my regular workouts and training on top of it! I can also move my left shoulder around much more freely for the first time in over ten years, which is very nice!"

– Erik Krempien

"I first started seeing Dr. Durski in June of 2014.

I had reoccurring soreness in my middle and upper back that would persist for days at a time, off and on. It began several years ago and I believe that it was caused by poor posture while sitting at a desk for many years during high school, college, and at work. It was severe enough to cause discomfort if I stood up or sat down for prolonged periods of time.

I was not treated by any physicians. I wanted to stay away from any options involving surgery or medication. Dr. Durski was my first method of treatment. I am a member of the Princeton Club so I knew there was a chiropractor at this location.

My back is currently pain free. The soreness in my back stopped after several adjustments. I had a negative curve in my neck that was likely causing the pain. The negative curve was corrected and now I have a near perfect neck curve. This is likely the reason that my back soreness is gone. My neck is now bearing the load of my head much more efficiently with the correct curve.

I am very happy with my results and plan to continue to see Dr. Durski for further corrective and maintenance care."

– Brandon Graef

"I first came to Durski Chiropractic in the Spring of 2013.

I was having neck and lower back pain. My neck pain began in April, 2013, while I have had discomfort in my lower back for about four years. Running would bother my back, but for the past two years my back would also hurt in the morning from sleeping. Additionally, my neck hurt while sleeping and running and it was getting worse.

I had never been treated for my back or neck prior to seeing Dr. Durski. I found out about him by making a walk-in appointment after my workout next door at the Princeton Club. I decided to see a chiropractor because my brother had seen a chiropractor who helped his back.

Within a couple of weeks of chiropractic care, I noticed a difference with my back and neck. The pain had decreased and my range of motion was improving. After about two months, my x-ray had shown improvement in my neck curvature. By six months, I had significant benefits in my neck and back. I can sleep better without getting up in the middle of the night from back pain. I was also taking Prilosec for acid influx and now I do not take it because I have very little acid reflux as compared to before receiving chiropractic care. Going to Durski Chiropractic has improved my energy level and quality of life.

Dr. Durski is very honest with you by giving you true results. The whole staff and Dr. Durski have been so helpful and dedicated to my care. I am so glad I chose Dr. Durski for my chiropractic care and will continue my maintenance care here!"

– Jeff Ottaway

"My Personal Testimony — September 17th, 2012

I want everyone to know that because my husband, Andre, wanted something better than poisonous prescription drugs for our family he began researching. He found a wonderful man by the name of Dr. Jeff Durski, in New Berlin at Durski Chiropractic Health Center.

Headaches, terrible menstrual cramps, acid reflux and sneezing were all a part of my life for years. I tried several pain relieving prescription medications, extra strength antacid and nasal sprays but nothing seemed to help. I constantly felt tension in my neck and shoulders; it felt like a pinched nerve. My husband was always massaging my shoulders and lower back, which would help alleviate my pain for a short while but it, would return soon after.

Since I have been seeing Dr. Durski, (July 2012) I have NOT had ANY headaches! It’s amazing how this chiropractor has helped me. It feels so good to tell my family and friends that my headaches are GONE! I have not had to take any of the pain killers for my menstrual cramps nor have I experienced that dreadful pain in the middle of the night from acid reflux. I use to wake each morning sneezing 15-20 times. I was thrilled several weeks ago when I noticed I woke up and didn’t sneeze for the very first time in a long time. I am ecstatic to know that my husband, through continuous research, was lead to the best chiropractor on this side of heaven… Dr. Durski is second to none!

The right chiropractor is for much more than just pain. I know how it feels to get my health, energy, peace of mind and wellbeing restored. Dr. Durski is knowledgeable, caring, and understanding. Rather than just treating his patients, Dr. Durski teaches you how and why chiropractic care is much better then prescription medications. I appreciate the personal care he gives to his patients; he even makes it convenient so that your appointments fit YOUR time schedule.

I thank God for helping me realize my health is my responsibility. I thank Dr. Durski for allowing God to use him to move the bone, which has helped me regain prosperity in my health.


– Linda Dukes


12:30pm - 6:00pm

12:30pm - 6:00pm

12:30pm - 6:00pm


12:30pm - 6:00pm




Thursday, October 17th
12:30pm - 6:00pm

Friday, October 18th

Durski Chiropractic Center
14999 West Beloit Road Suite A
New Berlin, WI 53151
(414) 525-1030